berkshelf / ridley

A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax
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Error : Celluloid::TaskFiber #288

Open mg03 opened 9 years ago

mg03 commented 9 years ago

Hi : Using following: require 'ridley' ridley = "https://", client_name: "clientwatcher1", client_key: "/tmp/clientwatcher1.pem")

Getting error: W, [2014-11-23T17:59:24.055017 #36239] WARN -- : Terminating task: type=:finali zer, meta={:method_name=>:shutdown}, status=:receiving Celluloid::TaskFiber backtrace unavailable. Please try Celluloid.task_c lass = Celluloid::TaskThread if you need backtraces here. W, [2014-11-23T17:59:24.055341 #36239] WARN -- : Terminating task: type=:finali zer, meta={:method_name=>:shutdown}, status=:receiving Celluloid::TaskFiber backtrace unavailable. Please try Celluloid.task_c lass = Celluloid::TaskThread if you need backtraces here. W, [2014-11-23T17:59:24.060800 #36239] WARN -- : Terminating task: type=:finali zer, meta={:method_name=>:shutdown}, status=:receiving Celluloid::TaskFiber backtrace unavailable. Please try Celluloid.task_c lass = Celluloid::TaskThread if you need backtraces here. /home/chefknife/test.rb:5:in <main>': undefined methodis_nil?' for #<Ridley:: ClientObject:0x00000001ef6e78> (NoMethodError)

Please help/advice

iiro commented 9 years ago

Having the same problem here...

Using latest Ridley (comes with ChefDK) - version 4.1.2.

geewiz commented 8 years ago

I've just changed our code from using Chef-API to using Ridley and ran into the same problem. Our RSpec tests run fine but at the end, we get lots of "Terminating task" warnings.