berkshelf / ridley

A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax
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ridley bootstap #378

Open sethas opened 6 years ago

sethas commented 6 years ago

Does any one have a guidance on using ridley API to bootstrap a node.

I am using ridley.node.bootstrap, but thats dint work , giving error Celluloid::TaskFiber backtrace unavailable. Please try Celluloid.task_class = Celluloid::TaskThread if you need backtraces here. /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/celluloid-0.16.0/lib/celluloid/calls.rb:30:in check': undefined methodbootstrap' for #<Celluloid::CellProxy(Ridley::NodeResource:0xdbd42c) @connection_registry=#<Celluloid::Registry:0x00000001b78f30 @registry={:connection_pool=>#<Celluloid::CellProxy(Ridley::Connection:0x3fe462005538)