berlin-open-wireless-lab / DAWN

Decentralized WiFi Controller
GNU General Public License v2.0
351 stars 62 forks source link

Is there any way to make DAWN prefer 5GHz network. #224

Open gchmurka123 opened 1 year ago

gchmurka123 commented 1 year ago

Description: I have 2xAP at my home with the same SSID (HOUSE) set in 2 bands 5GHz and 2.4GHz.

The kicks offered by DAWN work great - devices like a phone/laptop with a weaker AP are nicely disconnected and connected to an AP with a stronger signal.

Sometimes there is a situation where the phone with a good 5GHz signal (faster offered bandwith e.g. 220Mbps) stays on 2.4GHz (144Mbps).

This usually happens when I came the house from a distance, it first catches 2.4GHz, then the signal grows and I go towards the room with the AP. And then the device allways stays connect on 2.4GHz, but 5GHz it could propose a higher speed. When I manually disconnect wifi and reconnect, the device prefers the 5GHz and connect it.

Is there any possibility for DAWN to give a kick to connected devices in describe situation where 5GHz provides better transfer. Now it looks like the algorithm based only on signal strength (regardless of whether we have 5GHz or 2.4GHz).

kcembrey commented 12 months ago

You can add weight to the 5GHz (802.11a) channel by giving it a higher initial_score value than the 2.4GHz (802.11g) channel in the config. The larger the difference, the more the 5GHz band will be preferred, per my understanding. Here's a link to that config section.