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Fix return types in Query #115

Closed szepeviktor closed 2 years ago

szepeviktor commented 2 years ago

Please consider running

vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c vendor/szepeviktor/phpstan-wordpress/extension.neon src/ -l 5
JJJ commented 2 years ago

I don't think all of these are errors, but we should audit each of them regardless.

Results from current master branch:

 [ERROR] Found 86 errors

 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Database/Base.php
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
  182    Parameter #1 $separator of function explode expects non-empty-string, string given.
  216    Method BerlinDB\Database\Base::sanitize_table_name() should return string but returns false.
  239    Method BerlinDB\Database\Base::sanitize_table_name() should return string but returns false.
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Database/Column.php
 ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
  57     Property BerlinDB\Database\Column::$length (string) does not accept default value of type false.
  304    Property BerlinDB\Database\Column::$cache_key (string) does not accept default value of type false.
  673    Call to function is_null() with string will always evaluate to false.
         💡 Because the type is coming from a PHPDoc, you can turn off this check by setting treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false in your
  673    Result of && is always false.
         💡 Because the type is coming from a PHPDoc, you can turn off this check by setting treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false in your
  681    Elseif branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true.
  817    Parameter #1 $num of function number_format expects float, string|null given.
 ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Database/Queries/Compare.php
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
  151    Comparison operation "<" between 1 and 0|1 is always false.
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------

 ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Database/Queries/Date.php
 ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
  70     Property BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::$compare (array) does not accept default value of type string.
  78     Property BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::$start_of_week (array) does not accept default value of type int.
  249    Property BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::$now (int) does not accept string.
  251    Property BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::$compare (array) does not accept string.
  253    Property BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::$start_of_week (array) does not accept string.
  372    Method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::get_now() should return string but returns int.
  447    Method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::get_start_of_week() should return string but returns int.
  505    Binary operation "+" between string and 1 results in an error.
  659    Function apply_filters invoked with 3 parameters, 2 required.
  684    Function apply_filters invoked with 3 parameters, 2 required.
  776    Function apply_filters invoked with 5 parameters, 2 required.
  836    Parameter #2 $start_of_week of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_mysql_week() expects int, string given.
  838    Parameter #2 $start_of_week of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_mysql_week() expects int, string given.
  1086   Call to function is_int() with string will always evaluate to false.
         💡 Because the type is coming from a PHPDoc, you can turn off this check by setting treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false in your
  1221   Parameter #2 $value of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_numeric_value() expects array|string|null, int given.
  1226   Parameter #2 $value of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_numeric_value() expects array|string|null, int given.
  1231   Parameter #2 $value of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_numeric_value() expects array|string|null, int given.
  1241   Parameter #2 $value of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_numeric_value() expects array|string|null, int given.
  1245   Parameter #2 $value of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_numeric_value() expects array|string|null, int given.
  1249   Parameter #2 $value of method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::build_numeric_value() expects array|string|null, int given.
  1315   Function apply_filters invoked with 3 parameters, 2 required.
 ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ------ -----------------------------------
  Line   Database/Queries/Meta.php
 ------ -----------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
 ------ -----------------------------------

 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Database/Query.php
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
  188    Property BerlinDB\Database\Query::$meta_query (object) does not accept default value of type false.
  196    Property BerlinDB\Database\Query::$date_query (object) does not accept default value of type false.
  204    Property BerlinDB\Database\Query::$compare_query (object) does not accept default value of type false.
  363    Property BerlinDB\Database\Query::$last_changed (int) does not accept string.
  609    Call to function is_numeric() with array&nonEmpty will always evaluate to false.
         💡 Because the type is coming from a PHPDoc, you can turn off this check by setting treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false in your
  609    Result of && is always false.
  819    Result of || is always false.
         💡 Because the type is coming from a PHPDoc, you can turn off this check by setting treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false in your
  848    Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::get_items() never returns int so it can be removed from the return typehint.
  895    Property BerlinDB\Database\Query::$max_num_pages (int) does not accept float.
  918    Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::get_item_ids() never returns int so it can be removed from the return typehint.
  968    PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value (Query &$this  Current instance passed by reference.): Unexpected token "Current", expected variable at offset 162
  1280   Function apply_filters invoked with 4 parameters, 2 required.
  1280   PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value (object $this           The current Query instance.): Unexpected token "$this", expected variable at offset 241
  1347   Method BerlinDB\Database\Queries\Date::get_sql() invoked with 4 parameters, 0 required.
  1353   Cannot assign offset 'join' to string.
  1358   Cannot assign offset 'where' to string.
  1459   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::parse_orderby() never returns false so it can be removed from the return typehint.
  1559   PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value (object &$this  Current instance of Query, passed by reference.): Unexpected token "Current", expected variable at offset
  1730   Parameter #1 $items of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::update_item_cache() expects array, object|false given.
  1760   Parameter #2 $column_value of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::get_item_raw() expects string, int given.
  1827   Parameter #1 $items of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::update_item_cache() expects array, int given.
  1833   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::add_item() should return bool but returns int.
  1851   Parameter #2 $column_value of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::get_item_raw() expects string, int given.
  1899   Parameter #2 $column_value of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::get_item_raw() expects string, int<min, -1>|int<1, max> given.
  1952   Parameter #1 $items of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::update_item_cache() expects array, int<min, -1>|int<1, max> given.
  1981   Parameter #2 $column_value of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::get_item_raw() expects string, int<min, -1>|int<1, max> given.
  2038   PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value (mixed ID of item, or row from database): Unexpected token "ID", expected variable at offset 150
  2202   PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter: $item
  2209   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::transition_item() should return array but empty return statement found.
  2217   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::transition_item() should return array but empty return statement found.
  2241   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::transition_item() should return array but empty return statement found.
  2245   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::transition_item() should return array but return statement is missing.
  2276   Default value of the parameter #4 $unique (false) of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::add_item_meta() is incompatible with type string.
  2293   Parameter #5 $unique of function add_metadata expects bool, string given.
  2368   Default value of the parameter #4 $delete_all (false) of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::delete_item_meta() is incompatible with type string.
  2385   Parameter #5 $delete_all of function delete_metadata expects bool, string given.
  2670   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::prime_item_caches() should return bool but return statement is missing.
  2692   Call to function is_numeric() with array will always evaluate to false.
         💡 Because the type is coming from a PHPDoc, you can turn off this check by setting treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false in your
  2777   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::clean_item_cache() should return bool but return statement is missing.
  2798   Method BerlinDB\Database\Query::update_last_changed_cache() should return string but returns int.
  2846   Parameter #1 $key of method BerlinDB\Database\Query::cache_get() expects string, int given.
  3087   Parameter #2 $callback of function array_filter expects (callable(mixed, mixed): bool)|null, 'intval' given.
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Database/Row.php
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
  38     PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value (mixed Null by default, Array/Object if not): Unexpected token "Null", expected variable at offset 79
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ------ -----------------------------------
  Line   Database/Schema.php
 ------ -----------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
 ------ -----------------------------------

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Database/Table.php
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14     Right side of || is always false.
  367    Method BerlinDB\Database\Table::columns() should return array but returns false.
  770    Negated boolean expression is always false.
  778    Strict comparison using === between false and string will always evaluate to false.
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
szepeviktor commented 2 years ago

Yes, PHPStan gives you very good set of rules. It is for OOP only so it has some problems with procedural code.

I do not dare to comment on personal preferences but

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

// should be properly written

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

Actually everything should be written properly :) meaning there are 10 ways a computer understands your code but PHPStan tells you which one to choose. I like it very much.

JJJ commented 2 years ago

Reduced from 86 to 20.

Gonna make more improvements incrementally.

Thanks @szepeviktor 🚀

szepeviktor commented 2 years ago

You're welcome.