berlinjs / jsconf2019-special

JSConf Special 2019 :sparkling_heart:
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Talk Proposal: Scaling front-end development #4

Open marcins opened 5 years ago

marcins commented 5 years ago


Atlassian Jira's front-end has been going through massive transformation over the last two years. With our new front-end codebase starting from 0 and now over 1,200,000 lines of code, 200 packages, and over 180 contributors every month across many teams, we've faced a number of challenges in scaling our development practices to keep up.

Learn about the principles and processes we've developed along the way to bring structure to this growth, allowing us to maintain consistency and minimise overhead, all while bringing us closer to achieving our goal of building a world class front-end architecture.

More info

This talk is an insight into the problems faced as your front-end codebase goes through rapid growth, and some strategies and techniques you can apply in order to manage this growth while maintaining consistency, and delivering customer value.

Variants of this talk have been given and well received in the past - by me at Web Directions Code in 2018, and another member of my team at JS Kongress, and also at ViennaJS and other meetups.

carolstran commented 5 years ago

Hey @marcins, thanks for submitting! Got you on the list. We'll let you know once the deadline passes and we've read through all of the proposals 🏄

A couple questions for you in the meantime: Are you currently based in Sydney? Also how long would the talk be? Anything between 5-25 minutes works for us.

marcins commented 5 years ago

@carolstran Thanks for the update. Yep, based in Sydney - will be in Berlin for CSS & JSConf!

The talk would be 15-20 minutes.

rmehner commented 5 years ago

@marcins hey there, sorry for not coming back earlier to you. Unfortunately your talk didn't make it this time, as we simply ran out of talk slots to give. Too many great proposals and yours was among them.

It sounds like a super interesting talk (I love talks where people talk about challenges with their existing systems and how they overcame then). If you're ever in Berlin, please tell us, we'd love to give you a stage! And obviously we hope to see you at our meetup!

marcins commented 5 years ago

@rmehner thanks for the update, having too many talks to choose from is a good problem to have! A colleague and I will be at the meetup, part of the reason for attending the meeting + CSS/JSConfEU for us is to chat to any people interested in frontend engineering opportunities at Atlassian - as part of the meetup is there any opportunity where we can at least introduce ourselves and say a few words about Atlassian and the kinds of opportunities we offer?