berlinjs / jsconf2019-special

JSConf Special 2019 :sparkling_heart:
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Talk Proposal: The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded #6

Open nebrius opened 5 years ago

nebrius commented 5 years ago


You've probably heard, and possibly lamented, that Node.js is single threaded. It's true that all JavaScript executed by Node.js is run in a single thread. This means each JavScript file you write, module you require, and even Node.js itself, all contend for processing time.

But JavaScript isn't the only code in Node.js. There's also a lot of C++, most important of which is the event loop. One of the event loops responsibilities is to manage a set of threads called the thread pool. As it turns out, most C++ code in Node.js is multithreaded!

Come learn how the event loop works in detail, how it affects the performance of your app, and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage!


This talk will have the following outline:

Previous recording

carolstran commented 5 years ago

HEY @nebrius, been a long time since 🇮🇸 - Hope you're doing well and thanks for submitting! Got you on the list and we'll let you know once the deadline passes and we've gone through all of the proposals 🤖

nebrius commented 5 years ago

Hey @carolstran! It has been a while. I'm glad to see your involved in Berlin.js, and I hope things have been going well for you too 😄 I'll keep an eye out for your response.

nebrius commented 5 years ago

Oh, and I forgot to mention that both talks were originally created as 25 minute talks, but can be scaled down to as little as probably 15 minutes if needed.

carolstran commented 5 years ago

Hey hey @nebrius! Just got off a call with my co-orgas and we'd love to have this talk at the JSConf Special 🎉 If you could confirm within the next couple of days that you're still available on May 30 (and still interested), that'd be lovely.

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to write here or you can DM us on Twitter!

nebrius commented 5 years ago

I’m still available and interested, yes! I’ll see you there

carolstran commented 5 years ago

Awesome then you're in! Looking forward to it ✨

We're waiting to confirm the rest of the schedule but then we'll put it on the website and announce on Twitter. If you have any updates you want to make to your talk title or description, just let me know.