berman-lab / ymap

YMAP - Yeast Mapping Analysis Pipeline : An online pipeline for the analysis of yeast genomic datasets.
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FastQC quality extraction step fails when datafiles end with .fq #66

Open vladimirg opened 7 years ago

vladimirg commented 7 years ago

For whatever reason, the current version of FastQC treats .fastq and .fq files differently. The subfolder for datafile_0.fastq is datafile_0_fastqc, while for datafile_0.fq it's datafile_0.fq_fastqc. Thus .fq files fail in, since the subfolder FASTQC_temp_file doesn't exist - we can't simply replace the extension with _fastqc, as we do on line 239. Probably we should try finding the subfolder (there are only two entries in the FastQC folder, one is a zip file and the other is the subfolder of interest) regardless of its name, perhaps by taking the name that doesn't end with .zip.