bermudalocket / Tweaks-for-Reddit

A Safari App Extension to help make Reddit suck just a little less on Safari 13+. Written (mostly) in SwiftUI.
GNU General Public License v3.0
114 stars 9 forks source link

Extension not appearing in the App Store anymore? #46

Closed gitatmax closed 2 years ago

gitatmax commented 2 years ago

Hey! It doesn't look like I'm able to get the extension anymore (due to my region)?

CleanShot 2022-01-03 at 17 16 21@2x
bermudalocket commented 2 years ago

Hi Max,

TFR is currently not available on the App Store due to my Apple Developer account lapsing. I simply can't afford the required payment at this time, but I do anticipate reviving it when I am able.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

gitatmax commented 2 years ago

@bermudalocket hey, fair enough! I look forward to it’s revival.

bermudalocket commented 2 years ago

The app should be back on the app store within the next day or so.

gitatmax commented 2 years ago

@bermudalocket Hey, I'm thrilled! I'm glad you got back to it. Please let me know how I can assist, if you'd like any help on something specific, still! Thanks for the heads up.