bernaferrari / ChangeDetection

Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
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Allow for proguard to run when building debug flavor of the app. #11

Closed phoenixuprising closed 6 years ago

phoenixuprising commented 6 years ago

This is a quick fix for #7 Make Proguard work. The issue appears to be that when adding minifyEnabled true and shrinkResources true to the debug config, Proguard was being used but you weren't telling it to use the rules file. Since you want this to be ran in both debug and release, I added it to the all buildType.

I do want to note, most people do not add proguard configs to their debug variants due to increasing the build time. This isn't so much of a problem right now with the size of the app but on much larger projects, this can add significant time to the build process.

bernaferrari commented 6 years ago

omg, this was so stupid for me, I was testing on debug and forgot to put the Proguard file.. 😨😱🙈

Sorry for spending your precious time. I actually only wanted the debug for internal testing - and be sure your code will be used here! - but I'll only merge your first commit, which is useful for everybody and will not slow anyone. Also, I'll soon update the public app-debug.apk with the proguarded version. Thanks for it, I would have never guessed!!

(edit: github's interface is confusing and I merged everything, so everybody will have debug with minify enabled for a few minutes 🙈🙈🙈)

phoenixuprising commented 6 years ago

No worries, it was fun helping out. I don't contribute much to OSS but I want to start being more active. This was a good chance for me to learn how to contribute to other people's projects.

bernaferrari commented 6 years ago

I started becoming more active by submitting fixes for everything I see which is wrong. A few weeks ago I reached my peak; I don't think I can submit a smaller PR: