bernaferrari / ChangeDetection

Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
Apache License 2.0
705 stars 99 forks source link

set a threshold for diff #24

Closed steko closed 3 years ago

steko commented 5 years ago

Hi, I discovered this app a few days ago and it looks really great. Thank you for creating it!

I found myself puzzling with a page that will be updated 10 times a year, but using the app I found out that the current date is shown in the page and will update daily.

The actual content does not change, only a single line in the HTML source corresponding to the date.

So I thought maybe there could be a threshold setting to ignore changes below a certain diff size. What do you think?

bernaferrari commented 5 years ago

I really need and want to do that, but I have no ETA.

bernaferrari commented 3 years ago

2 years in, Compose is only getting stable now :(