bernaferrari / ChangeDetection

Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
Apache License 2.0
705 stars 99 forks source link

Suggestion: allow us to specify HTML elements to look for change #27

Open dschmidt593271 opened 5 years ago

dschmidt593271 commented 5 years ago

In my use case, I only want to know when a new version of software becomes available at But after that new version becomes available, the page updates to say how long ago it was released, which I don't care about.

Could your software fairly easily look for a specific table element?

y0umu commented 5 years ago

I know Web Alert can do exactly what you want. Unfortunately that app is not FOSS.

bernaferrari commented 5 years ago

Latest version should solve this. You can specify the byte threshold to ignore, like ignore changes less than 10 bytes (or 10 letters). Still not available as public release because I have to finish some parts, but should be available in the coming weeks.

newhinton commented 1 year ago

@bernaferrari Is this threshhold still available, and if yes, how can i set it?