bernaferrari / FigmaToCode

Generate responsive pages and apps on HTML, Tailwind, Flutter and SwiftUI.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.58k stars 262 forks source link

fix: resolve error in HTML builder script #73

Open sarahatwork opened 1 year ago

sarahatwork commented 1 year ago

Hi! I hope this project is still active - it's pretty neat!

I ran into an error when generating HTML from a Figma file of mine and updated the types/checks accordingly.

Also added public to the .gitignore file to prevent committing generated public files when running yarn watch.

bernaferrari commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks! Yes, it is alive. It took a long break, but I'm now actively rewriting everything. Thanks for that, I wouldn't catch otherwise.

(I'm not sure if I'll merge yet, but it is more because I'm changing everything, and I'll incorporate your changes in my new codebase)

sarahatwork commented 1 year ago

Sounds good, thanks!