bernat / best_in_place

A RESTful unobtrusive jQuery Inplace-Editor and a helper as a Rails Gem
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nested_attributes #532

Open rruiz858 opened 8 years ago

rruiz858 commented 8 years ago

I am currently trying to use the best_in_place gem in order to do inline editing within an HTML table. I am showing a cart in cart's show view. Within the cart's show view, I have the ability to add lineItems. When an LineItem is created, a new Available record is also created with a lineItem_id and then it's shown in the cart with its lineitem. Both the Cart and LineItem tables come from an external database and because of that, I can't add columns to so that is why I can't just add an available boolean attribute to the LineItem.

class Cart << AR::Base
 has many LineItems

class LineItems <<AR::Base
 belongs_to Cart
 has_one :available 
 accepts_nested_attributes_for :available 

class Available<<AR::Base
 belongs_to LineItems

@cart.lineitems.each do |line_items|
    <td><%= line_item.price %></td>
    <td>< %></td>
    <td><%= best_in_place line_item.available.boolean, :boolean, :path => line_items_path, :type =>  type: :checkbox, collection: %w[No Yes] %></td>  

I want to be able to edit the line_item.available.boolean within the html table which is on the cart show view using best_in_place but I am not having any luck.. Any help would be AMAZING! =] I know after reading around that it's not possible using nested attributes, but If I could get rid off the available model somehow and have a field in the show table that I can edit for a line_item to see if its available or not, that would also be great. I am open to any ideas!