bernat / best_in_place

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How to select foreign_key using friendly_id's hash_id? #617

Open sscirrus opened 5 years ago

sscirrus commented 5 years ago

My project has a select box where one can choose each user's project, but user.project_id is set according to be project's hash_id, not its actual id. So, the browser only knows the user and the project's hash_id.

Here's the code I'm using (project is already defined):

<%= best_in_place user, :project_id, as: :select, collection: @projects.collect{|d| [,]}, value: project.hash_id %>

The above code doesn't work - it ignores the value and sets everything to the first option, regardless of what the DB value is. I'd like it so it shows the correct value.