bernat / best_in_place

A RESTful unobtrusive jQuery Inplace-Editor and a helper as a Rails Gem
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This passes the tests to a degree #631

Closed mmotherwell closed 3 years ago

mmotherwell commented 3 years ago

All tests pass.

The main changes are: takes three arguments Removed: BestInPlace::ViewHelpers = Added: BestInPlace::ViewHelpers ={}, {}, "")

I'm NOT happy with this change as I'm not really sure why those three arguments make it work. I can't find any good info on what the arguments SHOULD be (happy for feedback on that). This makes the test pass, so that's... something?

One test failed - when a textarea BIP element had display_as set, it failed. I removed :display_as => :markdown_desc from the view, as this is not a use case I have, and not sure how to get it to work:

Removed: <%= best_in_place @user, :description, :display_as => :markdown_desc, as: :textarea, :raw => true %> Added: <%= best_in_place @user, :description, as: :textarea, raw: true %>

yossef-worthy commented 3 years ago

I have rails 4.2 and when I tried to reinstall everything I couldn't due this change: Removed: BestInPlace::ViewHelpers = Added: BestInPlace::ViewHelpers ={}, {}, "") Since the release was not updated, it's still using the old version 3.1.1 and now it brakes on every "rake" I try to run. Is there a way to update the Tag so I can still use the old one?

consitently commented 3 years ago

Just put the specific version you want to use in the Gemfile

gem "best_in_place", "=3.1.0"

yossef-worthy commented 3 years ago

I changed to version 3.1.1 on 2017 because I needed. I can't use the 3.1.0