bernd-wechner / CoGs

Competitive Gamers Leaderboard Server (CoGs LS)
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Implement django-autocomplete-light (select box filtering) #5

Closed bernd-wechner closed 1 year ago

bernd-wechner commented 7 years ago

A comparison grid of tools here:

and this seems the winner:

As the list of games and players grows on our forms we'll need an autocomplete selector, not a drop down list that runs for pages.

bernd-wechner commented 5 years ago

This is now mostly done. Implemented on all the basic model forms.

Remaining to do, is to implemented these on the League selector in the header and in Leadeboard selectors.

And then there remain styling considerations. These DAL widgets loooks rather glaringly different to the rest of the site. Time to look at skinning it with Bootstrap (Issue 1).

bernd-wechner commented 5 years ago

Also regards themeing which is glaringly inconsistent with the standard Django look and feel if we go Bootstrap:

Demos are here:

And repo here:

Or here:

and here's a discussion on retheming DAL (egads it's not trivial):

Select2 theming is possible but very poorly documented:

bernd-wechner commented 3 years ago

This has been implemented on the League selector and the Leaderboard selectors now and is working beautifully.

Leaving this open to flag themeing considerations.