bernd-wechner / CoGs

Competitive Gamers Leaderboard Server (CoGs LS)
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Leaderboards: Improve filters (to help keep leaderboards to manageable size on the page) #8

Open bernd-wechner opened 5 years ago

bernd-wechner commented 5 years ago

As the leaderboards grow it would be nice to see trimmed versions. Two filters that should be easyy to implement are:

1) Show only top n rankers on each leaderboard (i.e. prevent showing really long ones) 2) Show only players with m or more sessions logged (weeds out all the casual players who played one or two times say to focus on the regulars).

If we're trimming them with filters we should have a link on each leaderboard to a full version of it, on another page or as a pop-up? The fullleaderboard may in time have lots of players, hundreds or thusands and may itself need a display limit with scroll bards.

If we're fancy on filter 1 above (top n rankers only) we could render large tables in a box that has limited height and scroll bars. Should all be doable in CSS to be honest.


1) above is implemented 2) still needs implementing 3) insitu scroll bars as an option also need implementing.

bernd-wechner commented 3 years ago


Improve the the "Impact of last games night" filter by having the request return also the list of players who played in the sessions that were returned, so they can populate the Players selector and the "Highlight selected players" automatically highlights the players who attended that games night.