bernd / fpm-cookery

A tool for building software packages with fpm.
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add rpm_attributes[] to be able to specify per file attributes #120

Open glensc opened 9 years ago

glensc commented 9 years ago

this is to add impelementation for #119

to use:

    rpm_attributes['/etc/myapp'] = '751,root,http'

as the .attrs seems to be rpm-only, prefixed it with rpm_:

$ fpm --help|grep attr
    --rpm-defattrfile ATTR        (rpm only) Set the default file mode (%defattr). (default: "-")
    --rpm-defattrdir ATTR         (rpm only) Set the default dir mode (%defattr). (default: "-")
    --rpm-attr ATTRFILE           (rpm only) Set the attribute for a file (%attr).
beddari commented 9 years ago

Hm, not tested myself, but I guess there is a reason you can't simply use something like this?

fpm_attributes[:rpm_attr] = [ ... array ... ]
glensc commented 9 years ago

fpm_attributes[:rpm_attr] gets proxied to fpm.attributes, but need to proxy to fpm.attrs different objects.

beddari commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I see now, attrs is defined at ... and was added with this commit

Seems a bit strange and perhaps redundant ... (to me, at this point hehe). I'd very much like the functionality you are proposing, though.

glensc commented 9 years ago

as for fpm cookery side, i would extend cookery dsl to support adding dirs and files in one run:

instead of:

    directories << '/etc/app'
    rpm_attributes['/etc/app'] = '751,root,http'


    directories << '/etc/app' => '751,root,http', 
                   '/srv/app' => '751,root,http', 

yet my Ruby skills aren't that good to do it one run :)

beddari commented 9 years ago

Well, same here, limited Ruby skills, but from what I can tell the code that introduced the feature in fpm wasn't clean and that is the sole reason fpm.attrs exist at all? ;-)

If that was cleaned up perhaps we could still use fpm_attributes and not add a rpm specific feature to cookery

bernd commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the PR and the conversation. I will think about a way to abstract this a bit more and if we can make this work on DEB platforms as well. (i.e. by generating post-script content to set the permissions or something like that)

boc-tothefuture commented 9 years ago

I am struggling with the same issue with perms/owner/group. I agree with @bernd would be nice to keep this generic.

beddari commented 9 years ago

Would any of you be able to verify that this could be 'fixed' in fpm? I think if we get that cleaned up (check the code I referred above) we'll be able to use fpm_attributes as-is?

boc-tothefuture commented 9 years ago

@bernd If we can provide some syntactic sugar to set permissions/file attributes before fpm is called would that solve the problem generically? Would post script be needed for deb?

bernd commented 9 years ago

@bernd If we can provide some syntactic sugar to set permissions/file attributes before fpm is called would that solve the problem generically? Would post script be needed for deb?

@brian-oconnell The problem is that you cannot really set permissions before running fpm because the user might not exist on the build system yet. That's why lots of deb pre/post install scripts contain that kind of logic.

beddari commented 9 years ago

Yes, scripting is the only way to do this for deb. Permissions always come back as bothersome when dealing with multiple package formats. I'm voting for a new abstraction :) Not quite sure how it would look like, though.