bernd / fpm-cookery

A tool for building software packages with fpm.
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Specify recipe.rb #161

Closed josegonzalez closed 8 years ago

josegonzalez commented 8 years ago

It would be great to be able to specify a specific recipe.rb on the cli. For instance, one might want to place many runtimes in a single directory, which would enable the following:

fpm-cook -f runtime-python2711.rb
fpm-cook -f runtime-python2712.rb

Files said recipes would use could be generic across all the recipes, so duplicating them for each recipe would be a bit annoying.

tomeon commented 8 years ago

@josegonzalez -- this is already possible; you just have to specify the SUBCOMMAND type when invoking fpm-cook. For instance:

$ fpm-cook package -h
    fpm-cook package [OPTIONS] [RECIPE]

    [RECIPE]                      the recipe file (default: "recipe.rb")

    -c, --color                   toggle color
    -D, --debug                   enable debug output
    -t, --target TARGET           set desired fpm output target (deb, rpm, etc)
    -p, --platform PLATFORM       set the target platform (centos, ubuntu, debian)
    -q, --quiet                   Disable verbose output like progress bars
    -V, --version                 show fpm-cookery and fpm version
    --[no-]deps                   enable/disable dependency checking
    --tmp-root DIR                directory root for temporary files
    --pkg-dir DIR                 directory for built packages
    --cache-dir DIR               directory for downloaded sources
    --data-dir DIR                directory for Hiera data files
    --hiera-config FILE           Hiera configuration file
    --skip-package                do not call FPM to build the package
    -h, --help                    print help
josegonzalez commented 8 years ago

Oooh fance, didn't see that. Thanks!