bernd / fpm-cookery

A tool for building software packages with fpm.
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Documenting the use of Hiera in recipes #184

Closed tomeon closed 7 years ago

tomeon commented 7 years ago

Relates to #150. Provides an overview of how to use Hiera with fpm-cookery, focusing on

  1. Writing data files,
  2. Using the Recipe#lookup method, and
  3. Controlling the Hiera lookup hierarchy.

The docs also cover some subtleties like argument unpacking, conversion of colon-prefixed keys in YAML and JSON docs to symbols, and automatic application of data from the Hiera hierarchy.

I think this is a decent first stab at the subjects most relevant to fpm-cookery users, but would of course appreciate input on whether there are areas I've left out or covered too vaguely.


bernd commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much! :smiley: