bernd / fpm-cookery

A tool for building software packages with fpm.
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unable to find a package from yum repo #187

Open tjskanth opened 7 years ago

tjskanth commented 7 years ago


I'm trying to build a tomcat-7.0.50 package on docker container which has dependencies. These dependencies are already in my yum repo and I'm able to install using yum command. But trying with fpm-cook I'm getting the below error.

[sri@sri007.hkg1 single]$ sudo docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp/rpm-build "cd /tmp/rpm-build; ./ recipes/fpm-cookery/tomcat-7.0.50"

Building package recipes/fpm-cookery/tomcat-7.0.50 (type fpm-cookery)

  • cd recipes/fpm-cookery/tomcat-7.0.50
  • fpm-cook --pkg-dir /tmp/rpm-build/artifacts/ --color Support for Ruby 1.8.x in Addressable is deprecated. ===> Starting package creation for sri-apache-tomcat-7.0.50 (centos, rpm) ===> ===> Verifying build_depends and depends with Puppet ===> Verifying package: sri-apr = 1.1.29 ===> Verifying package: sri-tomcat-jar = 7.0.50 ===> Missing/wrong version packages: sri-apr = 1.1.29, sri-tomcat-jar = 7.0.50 ===> Running as root; installing missing/wrong version build_depends and depends with Puppet ===> Installing package: sri-apr = 1.1.29 FATAL: While processing depends package 'sri-apr = 1.1.29': FATAL: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list sri-apr = 1.1.29' returned 1: Error: No matching Packages to list FATAL: change from absent to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list sri-apr = 1.1.29' returned 1: Error: No matching Packages to list
  • exit 1

But trying to dig about that package on that container, I'm getting the below result [

sri@sri007.hkg1 single]$ sudo docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp/rpm-build "/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list sri-apr = 1.1.29/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list sri-apr = 1.1.29; echo $?"

Available Packages sri-apr.x86_64 1.1.29-0 updates-sri 0

Can you please give me a suggestion how to solve this issue. My versions are fpm-cookery (0.32.0), ruby 1.8.7.