bernd / fpm-cookery

A tool for building software packages with fpm.
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Omnibus Packages don't seem to use a staging directory #29

Closed torrancew closed 11 years ago

torrancew commented 11 years ago

When using the basic omnibustest recipe bundled with fpm-cookery, it seems that the "install" process attempts to create things in the omnibus directory on the actual filesystem of the build machine, rather than using a staging directory - this more often than not requires elevated privileges, which is not always desired for package building.

andytinycat commented 11 years ago

If you've got a solution for this that'll work with installing gems into a staging dir, and then having the paths be correct in the package when it's installed onto the target system, then I'm all ears.

The reason we do this is because (taking Ruby flavour Omnibus packages as an example) is that the gem command has to be in its final location when it's used to install gems into the Omnibus Ruby, so it can write all the correct paths for the final system.

@bernd raised this too, but I don't think either of us have a good solution for it. PRs appreciated!