bernd / fpm-cookery

A tool for building software packages with fpm.
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Generate shlibs files for .deb packages #37

Open tomwhoiscontrary opened 11 years ago

tomwhoiscontrary commented 11 years ago

This request may we wildly off-beam, so feel free to shoot it down.

I have a cookery recipe to build a library. I am trying to do an old-school dpkg-buildpackage build of another library which depends on that library. The dpkg-buildpackage build fails because there is no dependency information for the first library. This is because the first library does not include a shlibs control file, without which dpkg cannot record the relevant information when it installs it.

There's some info about the whole sordid business here:

is there a way to use fpm-cookery to generate a shlibs file when packaging a library? If not, could we have one?

bernd commented 11 years ago

It would be really nice to have this feature, yes. FPM already supports a shlibs option so writing the file to the package is not the problem. The hard part is to find a sane way to compute the file, scanning for dependencies etc.

I would like to do that, but I cannot promise when it's done. ;)