bernd / fpm-cookery

A tool for building software packages with fpm.
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target specific dependencies #5

Closed lusis closed 12 years ago

lusis commented 12 years ago

Thinking about the issue where I have an application like ActiveMQ or Cassandra where I need a JDK installed. The problem is that hard coding a dep there doesn't work thanks to the clusterfuck that is distro package naming.

Right now I plan on managing this with Chef in my Brisk cookbook but a general dependency conditional based on target would be neat.

bernd commented 12 years ago

First thing that comes to mind is how bundler is doing it with the platforms stuff. So the following might be one possible attempt.

class Cassandra < FPM::Cookery::Recipe
  name    "cassandra"
  version "1.0.0"

  platform [:centos, :rhel] do
    depends "java-1.6.0-openjdk"
    pre_install ""

  platform :debian do
    depends "openjdk-6-jre"
    section "database"

I just read again. There you used different depends based on the package target. (deb, rpm) Does that really work or do we have to set dependencies based on the operating system. (SuSE (rpm) might not have the same package names as CentOS (rpm as well))

lusis commented 12 years ago

I think at this point, target-based determination is probably the best route. Sure SuSE and RHEL+clones share RPM but short of requiring ohai or facter as a dep, I have no idea the best way to do OS level detection.

Doing the thought exercise, facter would probably be the best bet. It has no external dependencies. ohai pulls in yajl and various mixlib packages. I've not dealt with the facter API in a while but I don't recall it being cumbersome in the least.

lusis commented 12 years ago

I've got a working tentative here: ade56935ff40f17317497e1b74392ff2ddb815fb

Not sure how best to do the specs for it. It works though.

lusis commented 12 years ago

I also just realized that there might be a use case where you'd want to override the detection. I think I'll add a CLI opt for that. In my case, it's pretty safe to build noarch RPMS on ubuntu but I still need the conditional there. Hrmmm....

jordansissel commented 12 years ago

+1 for platform-specific dependencies also +1 for overriding what the 'detected' platform shows as.

bernd commented 12 years ago

I pulled your commit and I'm currently working on a cli flag. Thanks!

lusis commented 12 years ago

Ahh nice. I actually have some unpushed work on a cli flag as well at home that I did last night but I'll wait and see what you do ;)

lusis commented 12 years ago

One thing I went ahead and did was add this to the cli:

       if @target.nil?
          case @platform
          when :centos, :redhat, :suse 
            @target = "rpm"
          when :debian, :ubuntu
            @target = "deb"
            puts "No target given and we're unable to detect your platform"
          puts "No --target given, assuming #{@target} based on platform detection"
bernd commented 12 years ago

I just pushed my stuff. Please review. :)

lusis commented 12 years ago

I like your stuff better than MY stuff. Wanna adopt some of my projects? Looks good to me. Much cleaner. Gives me a good idea of the style you want to go down for newer patches as well.

bernd commented 12 years ago

Don't worry too much about style. I can always adjust the code afterwards if I want to change something. I want to keep the barrier for contributors low. Working code is better than no code. :)

Thank you!