berndhopp / guice

guice-integration for the vaadin-framework!addon/guice-vaadin-integration
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Minimize Vaadin dependencies (vaadin10) #20

Closed martingr closed 4 years ago

martingr commented 5 years ago

The addon has a dependency on the vaadin (platform) acrtifact and therefore you also get all transitive depencencies of that artifact when you use this addon in a project. In fact, the addon would only need the flow-server and flow-html-components dependecies. As a user i would like this addon to come with a minimal set of depenencies to have more control over them. Especially when it comes to the vaadin version I would like to use. As it is now, I always get all depencencies for the latest Vaadin release.

martingr commented 5 years ago

After returning to a project after several weeks without active development and with the release of Vaadin 14, the project now fails to build. Because of this addon I'm now forced to either update my project code to Vaadin 14 or to actively exclude the vaadin dependencies it entails. For now, I've decided to opt for the latter option and update later. Due to the way the Vaadin dependency (more specifically the version) is currently handled in this addon, the problem is not unlikely to recur.

@berndhopp are there any plans to tackle this or what do you think about it in general? What is the reason for having a dynamic version?

berndhopp commented 4 years ago

fixed in 2019.1-vaadin14