bernerbrau / AsTheWyrmTurns

Versioned markdown document for our PbP campaign.
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Rules and meta discussion here! #1

Open bernerbrau opened 7 years ago

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

Not to be overly confusing by requiring you to look in multiple locations, but so as not to overwhelm the gameplay thread with meta talk. I'll also wiki FAQs for quick reference.

kabobbob commented 7 years ago

So, if we wanted to talk strategy about how Ash should hatchet the wyrm or the guy, that should happen here?

ishaffer commented 7 years ago

i was certainly thinking Ash should do something like that. He's primed. Doesn't James narrate his own fate? isn't that the advantage of conceding over being taken out if I'm reading that right?

kabobbob commented 7 years ago

i'm thinking digs by could throw up some spell to incapacitate the guys

kabobbob commented 7 years ago

He typed concede, but he did edit it to be taken out, which is correct because he rolled and failed.

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

So Bob, it's already been done as a Create Advantage for now, but for future reference I think casting a sleep spell would be better modeled as a mental Attack, which would have the effect of taking them out of the conflict by putting them to sleep.

ishaffer commented 7 years ago

So for succeeding with style on an attack action, do I get 2 free invokes on an aspect like with the "create an advantage" action, or do I decide to reduce the damage by 1 to get a boost? I saw that latter rule in the Fate Accelerated rules ( but wasn't sure if Fate Core is the same?

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

When you succeed with style on an attack, it works like a normal success, but you also have the option to reduce the value of your hit by one to gain a boost as well.

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

So basically, you could sacrifice +1 now for maybe +2 later.

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

Point after, or two-point conversion. Take your pick.

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

BTW, magic:

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

By the way, THIS is an awesome example of how conflict in Fate is supposed to work. Highly chaotic and dynamic and in constant flux, each turn ratcheting up the dramatic tension.

So with that in mind, don't forget: In Fate, the rules and mechanics are there to help you tell a good story. Therefore, whether or not you should be allowed to invoke an aspect is directly tied to how well you can use that aspect to help you tell your part of the story.

kabobbob commented 7 years ago

BTW: i'm dying over "Axe in his face"!!!

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

And he doesn't even "Start to panic" until some time after there's an "axe in his face"!

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

And actually, this means the same thing applies for any action, really. You don't "roll will to defend" but you "feel the intrusion on your mind and try to resist". First rule of writing: "Show, don't tell." Fate says, "figure out what you want to do, then use the rules to do it." Same difference.

kabobbob commented 7 years ago

How was that?

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago


bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

OK so, I had just come back from a run and my head wasn't totally there. Story wise, no problem. Mechanics wise that's definitely a create advantage because you're trying to change something about the scene (aspect "blinding fog"). GM decides if this is opposed or unopposed, and sets the difficulty if unopposed.

bernerbrau commented 7 years ago

So to be clear "Success with style" is +3 or more over the opposition, which is either passive (GM declares a difficulty) or active (opposing character rolls opposition). To my knowledge that hasn't been declared yet, but I may have missed something.

Also, rather than a boost, success with style on a Create Advantage gives 2 free invokes on the created aspect. Failure creates the aspect but turns it against us. (So watch where you're pointing that spell!!)

kabobbob commented 7 years ago

Nope, you're right. I thought about it as I was editing it. I jumped the gun. (maybe he'll let it slide).