berngp / docker-zabbix

Docker Container running a Zabbix Server and Zabbix Web UI.
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zabbix-java-gateway not working #10

Closed The-Judge closed 9 years ago

The-Judge commented 9 years ago

When issuing what init-script would do manually (su -s /bin/bash -c "java -server -classpath lib:lib/*.jar:bin/*.jar -Dzabbix.pidFile=/var/run/zabbix/ -Dzabbix.listenIP= com.zabbix.gateway.JavaGateway" zabbix) it returns the following and dies immediately:

Could not find or load main class com.zabbix.gateway.JavaGateway

Searching for it, it turns out that this version of Zabbix requires Java 7, which seems not be fulfilled by OpenJDK u71-b14. References:

berngp commented 9 years ago

@The-Judge thanks for pointing it out. I am working on a container on an image that uses java 1.8.

berngp commented 9 years ago

@The-Judge pushed some changes to the following branch.

The zabbix-java-gateway service should be running fine. If you want to run it locally you can do the following.

su -s /bin/bash -c "$JAVA -server -classpath /usr/sbin/zabbix_java/lib/*:/usr/sbin/zabbix_java/bin/*:lib/*:bin/* -Dzabbix.pidFile=/var/run/zabbix/ -Dzabbix.listenIP= com.zabbix.gateway.JavaGateway" zabbix