berngp / docker-zabbix

Docker Container running a Zabbix Server and Zabbix Web UI.
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Add a way to set the Timezone #23

Open The-Judge opened 9 years ago

The-Judge commented 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

"out-of-the-box", zabbix (and it's incident alarms) use UTC timezone. I live in CET (UTC+1 or +2 when daylight saving) and had to implement the following workarrount to have Zabbix run in "my" Timezone:

  1. Set Environment Variable "ZABBIX_TZ" when starting Docker container
  2. Mount a folder, containing the following script (
if [ ! -L /etc/localtime ] && [ ! -z "${ZABBIX_TZ}" ]; then
  ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${ZABBIX_TZ} /etc/localtime
  sed -i'' "s#UTC#${ZABBIX_TZ}#g" /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf
  monit restart httpd
  1. Add the following file to /etc/monit.d/timezone:
check program timezone
        with path /helper_scripts/
        every "* * * * *"

It would be very more comfortable if such a "TZ Select by Env" would be implemented in the image without such Foo necessary.

PS: It is also necessary to remove the overriding php.value line from /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf and restart httpd afterwards. I added this to the script above.

berngp commented 9 years ago

@The-Judge makes sense. I think we could add the contents of the script to [scripts/]. If we execute the contents of that script as we start the service through monit we don't need to add /etc/monit.d/timezone do we?

The-Judge commented 9 years ago

Hey berngp,

that's right. The only reason for that kind of awkward monit-workarround is that I did not want to mess up with your entrypoint - script. If you would adopt that, this would be great.

berngp commented 9 years ago

@The-Judge I don't see why we shouldn't. We can support ZABBIX_TZ as en env variable and zabbix-tz as an option for the entrypoint script.