bernhard-42 / jupyter-cadquery

An extension to render cadquery objects in JupyterLab via pythreejs
Apache License 2.0
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Is it possible to run jupyter cadquerry remotely? #79

Closed khoroshyy closed 2 years ago

khoroshyy commented 2 years ago

I try to connect from raspbery pi to a remote cadquery jupyter lab running on ubuntu 20.04. But I get the following error. Not sure what is wrong. Is there any way to test cadquery on remote machine without X forwarding? Thanks. Petro.

`InvalidArgumentsError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [13], in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 import cadquery as cq 2 from jupyter_cadquery import ( 3 PartGroup, Part, Edges, Faces, Vertices, show, 4 close_viewer, close_viewers, get_viewer, open_viewer, set_defaults, get_defaults 5 ) 7 from jupyter_cadquery.replay import replay, enable_replay, disable_replay, reset_replay

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/, in 2 from .occ_impl.geom import Plane, BoundBox, Vector, Matrix, Location 3 from .occ_impl.shapes import ( 4 Shape, 5 Vertex, (...) 12 sortWiresByBuildOrder, 13 ) ---> 14 from .occ_impl import exporters 15 from .occ_impl import importers 17 # these items are the common implementation 18 19 # the order of these matter

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/occ_impl/exporters/, in 6 from typing_extensions import Literal 8 from OCP.VrmlAPI import VrmlAPI ---> 10 from ...cq import Workplane 11 from ...utils import deprecate 12 from ..shapes import Shape

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/, in 54 from .utils import deprecate, deprecate_kwarg_name 56 from .selectors import ( 57 Selector, 58 StringSyntaxSelector, 59 ) ---> 61 from .sketch import Sketch 63 CQObject = Union[Vector, Location, Shape, Sketch] 64 VectorLike = Union[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float, float], Vector]

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/, in 26 from .occ_impl.geom import Location, Vector 27 from .occ_impl.importers.dxf import _importDXF ---> 28 from .occ_impl.sketch_solver import ( 29 SketchConstraintSolver, 30 ConstraintKind, 31 ConstraintInvariants, 32 DOF, 33 arc_first, 34 arc_last, 35 arc_point, 36 ) 38 Modes = Literal["a", "s", "i", "c"] # add, subtract, intersect, construct 39 Point = Union[Vector, Tuple[Real, Real]]

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/occ_impl/, in 222 # dictionary of individual constraint cost functions 223 costs: Dict[str, Callable[..., float]] = dict( 224 Fixed=fixed_cost, 225 FixedPoint=fixed_point_cost, (...) 232 ArcAngle=arc_angle_cost, 233 ) --> 236 class SketchConstraintSolver(object): 238 entities: List[DOF] 239 constraints: List[Constraint]

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/occ_impl/, in SketchConstraintSolver() 259 # validate and transform constraints 260 261 # indices of x corresponding to the entities 262 self.ixs = [0] + list(accumulate(len(e) for e in self.entities)) 264 def _cost( --> 265 self, x0: Array[(Any,), float] 266 ) -> Tuple[ 267 Callable[[Array[(Any,), float]], float], 268 Callable[[Array[(Any,), float], Array[(Any,), float]], None], 269 Array[(Any,), float], 270 Array[(Any,), float], 271 ]: 273 ixs = self.ixs 274 constraints = self.constraints

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nptyping/, in NDArrayMeta.getitem(cls, item) 71 if not isinstance(item, tuple): 72 raise InvalidArgumentsError(f"Unexpected argument of type {type(item)}") ---> 73 shape_expression, dtype = _get_from_tuple(item) 74 validate_dtype(dtype) 75 validate_shape_expression(shape_expression)

File ~/bin/miniconda39/envs/jcq3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nptyping/, in _get_from_tuple(item) 126 dtype = item[1] 127 else: --> 128 raise InvalidArgumentsError( 129 f"Unexpected argument '{item[0]}', expecting" 130 f" Shape[] or" 131 f" Literal[]" 132 ) 134 return shape_expression, dtype

InvalidArgumentsError: Unexpected argument '(typing.Any,)', expecting Shape[] or Literal[]`

bernhard-42 commented 2 years ago

@khoroshyy I had the same issue yesterday. For me it was a problem of CadQuery dependencies. I had to install nptyping=1.4.4. The nptyping project had released 2.0.0 Maybe it is the same problem for you?

khoroshyy commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I will try and let people know.

khoroshyy commented 2 years ago

Thanks @bernhard-42 It solved the issue.