berntpopp / vntyper-online-frontend

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Bug: Cohort Job Status in UI Not Updating #42

Closed berntpopp closed 6 hours ago

berntpopp commented 1 day ago


When querying the cohort status using the getCohortStatus API, the status of jobs in the cohort is retrieved successfully. However, the UI does not reflect these status updates. Each job remains in the Submitted status, even if its actual status has changed (e.g., Processing or Completed).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Submit a cohort with multiple jobs.
  2. Allow the cohort status to be queried via the polling mechanism.
  3. Observe that the API returns updated statuses for jobs within the cohort.
  4. The UI still displays Submitted for all jobs, regardless of their actual status.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Possible Cause

Suggested Fix

Additional Context

berntpopp commented 1 day ago

related error message: [Error] Error fetching cohort status for Cohort ID 79668108-2d73-436d-b9c5-7efde2fd301e: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'has')

berntpopp commented 9 hours ago

Also for single jobs, the status is not updating correctly anymore.