berstend / puppeteer-extra

💯 Teach puppeteer new tricks through plugins.
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Flash on AWS Lambda #11

Closed cirdes closed 5 years ago

cirdes commented 5 years ago

I'm using puppeteer extra flash plugin locally but when I try to run on Aws its seems that flash is not working. Any ideas how to get it working?

berstend commented 5 years ago

I assume you're using Chromium when running on AWS Lambda?

In that case you must ensure to setpluginPath and pluginVersion as per documentation (AFAIR you can fetch resources from S3 buckets).

berstend commented 5 years ago

PS: Also flash won't work in headless mode (as per documentation), so you need to ensure to run a headful chromium instance on Lambda with the flash pluginPath defined.

cirdes commented 5 years ago

@berstend, I'm using Chromium on AWS Lambda and running on headful mode. But AWS Lambda does not have the Flash Player binaries, I have tried to download and put the binaries on the project but flash was not running. I don't know if my binaries was wrong or if I need another dependence.

Fortunately I was able to workaround without flash so I will close the issue.

Thanks so much!