berstend / puppeteer-extra

💯 Teach puppeteer new tricks through plugins.
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[Bug] DOCKER can access api behind cloudflare on mac and PC, but fails on Server #847

Open allaboutstrategy opened 8 months ago

allaboutstrategy commented 8 months ago

I use my lib to scrap a bit on they have the api behind something like a cloudflare, I use puppetter + stealth. Was working for 3 month now on server and my PC. All in Docker, but not it stoped on the server but works on docker local Mac + PC.

Error [SyntaxError]: Unexpected token 'P', "

Please ena"... is not valid JSON

JSON.parse () at evaluate (evaluate at /src/node_modules/kick_live_ws/dist/fetch/userAPI.js:51:44, :3:39)

says javascript is not enabled?

Anybody know whats the problem?

GiveDaData commented 8 months ago

Looks like you do not have proxy, so I guess the problem is the IP