berstend / puppeteer-extra

💯 Teach puppeteer new tricks through plugins.
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[Bug] Stealth is not working properly #878

Open cyeibs opened 4 months ago

cyeibs commented 4 months ago

puppeteer.use( proxyRouter({ proxies: { DEFAULT: "http://EwUbB71R:LynsFhgw@" }, }) );

const psnSignInPage = "";

const browserConfig = { headless: false, executablePath: "/Applications/Google Chrome", ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, ignoreDefaultArgs: ["--enable-automation"], slowMo: 0, args: [ "--window-size=1400,900", "--disable-gpu", "--no-sandbox", "--enable-webgl", ], };`

so, I open page of store, go to sign-in page, using page.type(selector, "value") insert email and than password, click on sign-in and get error "Can't connect to the server". But manually in main browser (not run by puppeteer-extra) it sign-in properly.

I tried headless: true - did not help

dannyokec commented 1 month ago

Loll. This could be either CDP or or you were caught spoofing navigator. Best hack around this would be to use an extension bypass. I had similar experience way back, the bypass did the trick for me

dannyokec commented 1 month ago

Loll. This could be either CDP or or you were caught spoofing navigator. Best hack around this would be to use an extension bypass. I had similar experience way back, the bypass did the trick for me

Can you please clarify what you mean by extension bypass? I'm having this same issue

I would ask you a couple question to enable me help you bypass the issue.

Firstly are you using puppeteer stealth in recent times? if you are they there would be an issue because stealth modifies the navigator in a way that show the navigator is not to be trusted. visit to see if the navigator was not trusted.

Instantgrow commented 1 month ago

Loll. This could be either CDP or or you were caught spoofing navigator. Best hack around this would be to use an extension bypass. I had similar experience way back, the bypass did the trick for me

Can you please clarify what you mean by extension bypass? I'm having this same issue

I would ask you a couple question to enable me help you bypass the issue.

Firstly are you using puppeteer stealth in recent times? if you are they there would be an issue because stealth modifies the navigator in a way that show the navigator is not to be trusted. visit to see if the navigator was not trusted.

hlo denny Sir, i have solution for it... to bypass anykind of detection.. contact me: You Know me Very Well By the Way...


treyvanes commented 4 weeks ago

Loll. This could be either CDP or or you were caught spoofing navigator. Best hack around this would be to use an extension bypass. I had similar experience way back, the bypass did the trick for me

Can you please clarify what you mean by extension bypass? I'm having this same issue

I would ask you a couple question to enable me help you bypass the issue. Firstly are you using puppeteer stealth in recent times? if you are they there would be an issue because stealth modifies the navigator in a way that show the navigator is not to be trusted. visit to see if the navigator was not trusted.

hlo denny Sir, i have solution for it... to bypass anykind of detection.. contact me: You Know me Very Well By the Way...


Can you tell us a little about your detection evasion?