berteh / mindslide

View Freeplane mindmap as an HTML presentation (aka freemind to powerpoint slideshow)
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Add support for "comment nodes" #13

Closed tomthe closed 10 years ago

tomthe commented 10 years ago

I like to add some nodes just for me, just in the mindmap. I don't want them to appear in the presentation.

Like when I start a node with a '$' it should be ignored by Mindslide (not its children). (And when I start a node with '$$', also its children should be ignored.)

I already had a look in the mindslide.XSL-file, but couldn't figure out how to do it. I guess if you know how it works, its not so hard to implement?

berteh commented 10 years ago

I like the idea but wonder how you'd like the children of a hidden node to be displayed. How should the final result look like?

considering the following map example:


Should nodes ABA and ABB be displayed in the slides as children of AA, as siblings of AA, as children of an empty slide, or you got any better idea?

If I answer it in the way I think is most user friendly I'd propose that hiding a note is always hiding its children too. that way things are clear.

Other quick brain-picking question: Should a node be defined as hidden when it's text starts with a particular character ($ in your case), or is there any way that integrates more nicely with Freeplane (some attribute, or quickstyle) and make this function more user friendly.

Relatedly another option I've been asked to implement is the possibility to select a node (branch) as root for the presentation. this would only generate slides for this node and its children... anything else (eg siblings and ancestor of the selected node) would not be available in the mindslides. Would this be a better option to you?

tomthe commented 10 years ago

After I looked at my mindmap, I would say ABA and ABB should be displayed as siblings of AA:


But: You are right, maybe its easier to understand that hiding a note always hides its children too. (Shold be enough).

The UI-question: Maybe a particular Icon instead of the $-sign? I took the $-sign because it is typed fast and it's like a comment-sign in a programming language (choose '//' or ';' or '#' instead...)

The root-option is nice, but not what I intended. My intention is to "work" on the mindmap while building the presentation. Imaging: I have an idea/topic and want to make a presentation, no structure or anything. So I think about the structure and write down the rough structure/outline while thinking (that's why I like mindmaps). Then I add details to certain notes... build my presentation. And then I find something new (a web-link...) what I maybe want to add in the future to the presentation... So in the end there is not only the presentation, but also a lot of other stuff that I don't want to be displayed.

Thanks for reading ;)

berteh commented 10 years ago

Hi tomthe.

I finally took some time to implement it. You can now hide nodes in mindslide by adding an attribute "slide-hide" to them. All the sub-tree below a hidden node is hidden as well.

I wasn't really happy in "interpreting" the content of a node text, as it may disturb a less aware user, and hope the attribute-based mechanism suits you. The "find" mechanisms of Freeplane allow to select all nodes with such an attribute at once, and more...

Let me know! Berteh.