berteh / musescore-chordsToNotes

The harmony playback feature is now available in MuseScore 3 ( , development of this plugin is thus stopped, thanks for you feedback and positive comments in the past. This plugin for MuseScore 2.0 will expand chords annotations into a few notes in voice 4, directly playable by MuseScore.
17 stars 7 forks source link

Support for 3.x -- esp Harmony's base/bass & root, and Chord's note #10

Closed elliotfreedman closed 4 years ago

elliotfreedman commented 4 years ago

Hello, With a view to expanding upon the generate-notes-from-chords theme, I wonder if 3.x supports all of the element attributes for Harmony and Chord (and other objects)? As evidenced by this and its result under 3.x, it doesn't look like rootTpc or baseTpc and other attributes re supported. console.log("got harmony ",text," at time ", time," with root: ",harmony.rootTpc," bass: ",harmony.baseTpc); Debug: got harmony Dm at time 0 with root: undefined bass: undefined

marfrance commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem. Is there a solution? This plugin is very interesting to me!

berteh commented 4 years ago

looks to me like MuseScore has not parsed the chords symbol. Per the instructions, make sure it does before running the plugin, by hitting F2 (transpose to anything) and SHIFT-F2 (to transpose back)... or simply transpose to a prime (or just to the current key) - so nothing is really changed.

As a similar feature is being integrated in the main release of MuseScore (finally, great!), I personnaly don't plan on supporting this script further. You are of course free to take over from me if you want to. Kindly let me know: