berteh / musescore-chordsToNotes

The harmony playback feature is now available in MuseScore 3 ( , development of this plugin is thus stopped, thanks for you feedback and positive comments in the past. This plugin for MuseScore 2.0 will expand chords annotations into a few notes in voice 4, directly playable by MuseScore.
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updates #3

Closed denschmitz closed 4 years ago

denschmitz commented 8 years ago

I'd like to make some modifications:

// todo: use chords.xml to produce voicings and remove the embedded data // todo: determine staff range and best fit the chord in the range. // todo: support slash chords to establish base. // todo: if multiple harmonies exist in a measure, carve up the generated chords // people can type chords at every quarter note position in empty measures, // fix: if a harmony is on anything but the top staff, notes go in top staff. put in appropriate staff // fix: generated whole notes have wrong note head (solid instead of open) // todo: consider usefulness of making the notes a different color (medium gray) for reference

I can send back updates if you're interested.

berteh commented 8 years ago

Hello @denschmitz

Yes please, these improvements would be great and I'd gladly merge them here for many to use!

Just no sure chords.xml is the way to go: is the "new" parsing mechanism still using it? Per #2 I think it's not, more info from Marc Sabatella at (and former discussions at

More documentation on the current chords parsing/rendering in MuseScore:

Good luck! Berteh.

berteh commented 8 years ago

Hello @denschmitz, did you get at chance to implement any of the improvements you wanted to? I'd be happy to integrate them here for others to benefit from. B.

berteh commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback.

As a similar feature is being integrated in the main release of MuseScore (finally, great!), I personnaly don't plan on supporting this script further. You are of course free to take over from me if you want to. Kindly let me know:

If you wanna keep using this script be sure to check out if you rather use improved version by @Bacchushlg, with

  • automatic creation of a new staff line (only one initial staff is accepted in the moment)
  • correct chord length according to the distance to the next chord symbol
  • some additional chords and synonyms