berthubert / simplomon

Very simple monitoring system with a single configuration file
MIT License
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Add pong test -- alive reporting from simplomon #19

Closed jpmens closed 3 months ago

jpmens commented 3 months ago

I'd like to see simplomon being able to inform me via notifyer that it's alive, and since ping checks other servers, maybe pong (inspired from Ansible's ping which reponds with pong) could do so with a configurable interval, e.g. 3600 seconds.

berthubert commented 3 months ago

I think this is dailyChime{} which we already have? Or a request for hourlyChime{}?

dailyChime{utcHour=10} -- 10AM UTC chime confirms monitoring works
jpmens commented 3 months ago

Oops, I missed that in the fine README, sorry.

Daily will do.