bertjohnson / OpaqueMail

.NET email library and proxy supporting IMAP, POP3, and SMTP with S/MIME and PGP.
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bug in DecompressRTF (TnefEncoding.cs) #2

Closed pan-tau closed 10 years ago

pan-tau commented 10 years ago


i found out the value of variable:

string rtfPreBufferString = "{\rtf1\ansi\mac\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl;}{\f0\fnil \froman \fswiss \fmodern \fscript \fdecor MS Sans SerifSymbolArialTimes New RomanCourier{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0\n\r\par \pard\plain\f0\fs20\b\i\u\tab\tx";

is wrong, based on documentation for RTF (link) the sequence should contain CRLF sequence, which is \r\n not \n\r like in your variable

i found this while i was coding tnef parser based on your implementation in c++. This causes that the newlines are broken in the RTF body string. (empty lines are added to the string when viewed under debugger).

It probably isn't a big issue, i just thought you might care :),d.Yms

bertjohnson commented 10 years ago

Thanks Pan-Tau, good catch. That fix is now implemented and checked in.