bertmelis / SDS011

Non blocking SDS011 sensor library for ESP8266
MIT License
15 stars 8 forks source link

improvement? Software serial #4

Closed ubergeekseven closed 4 years ago

ubergeekseven commented 4 years ago

I have had so much trouble with this sensor and the esp8266. esp32 works and then I have more issues in other areas with that device. Specifically with my home automation setup.

Could you add software serial or maybe hint to how I could use it instead or hardware? I have successfully been able to use software serial with the espsoftwareserial library and the sdsdustsensor library. Allowing serial debugging while I build out the code.

The problem is that the sdsdustsensor library is blocking the entire time it sleeps the sds sensor. I find your library and it seems to be the godsend I am after. I just cannot understand how to add a different port, softwareserial port, to the example myself.

I looked through the library to see the references used and I cannot figure out how to modify it so that I can use something other than hardware serial.

can I somehow change the sds011.setup line to use softwareserial?

bertmelis commented 4 years ago

Try this:

Let me know if it works for you. I'll update master branch.

ubergeekseven commented 4 years ago

Sorry for asking you to do this and then not responding. I just now saw the reply. I downloaded it and tested it. It compiles and uploads and starts but, I have tried out so many libraries that my setup is dirty now. I modified several other libraries to get my setup working and do not want to change things out until I clean up my workspace. I think I have some libraries with the same names as what is being used. I did end up getting everything to work using and These are both in the arduino ide but, the ones in the ide are not the latest. After modifying them to use different include names, I have everything working. I do appreciate you putting in the time to modify your library. Hopefully other people can benefit from it.

LarsMichelsen commented 2 years ago

I just played around a bit with your library and used the changes from your softwareserial branch with esp8266 and communication has worked as expected. Loaded it into platformio using:

lib_deps =