bertramdev / asset-pipeline

The core implementation of the asset pipeline for the jvm
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RegEx support for exclude-patterns not working #163

Open fbartnitzek opened 7 years ago

fbartnitzek commented 7 years ago

I created a simple grails v3.2.8 app ( which uses asset-pipeline-plugin v2.14.1 to include twitter-bootstrap.

To exclude all the unnecessary files, i would like to write an regex with the path (all except dist should be excluded). The exclude patterns in build.gradle support regular expressions - according to with the prefix "regex:", but no example is given.

I tried multiple variants but none had an effect on the outcome of gradle clean & gradle assetCompile - just the GLOB-way worked.

assets {
    minifyJs = false
    minifyCss = false

    excludes = [

        // include only bootstrap/dist/* via excluding all other - GLOB - works
        "bootstrap/fonts/**", "bootstrap/grunt/**", "bootstrap/js/**", "bootstrap/less/**", "bootstrap/nuget/**",
        "bootstrap/Gemfile*", "bootstrap/Gruntfile*", "bootstrap/LICENSE*", "bootstrap/package*",

        // exclude via regex - none working
//        "regex:bootstrap/fonts/.*",
//        "regex:bootstrap\\/fonts\\/.*",
//        "regex:/bootstrap\\/fonts\\/.*/",
//        "regex:/.*bootstrap\\/fonts\\/.*/",
//        "regex:.*bootstrap\\/.*",

        // just jquery/dist/*
        "jquery/external/**", "jquery/src/**"

Could you please provide a working regex-exclude example?