Closed dspaeth-breuni closed 4 months ago
I'm using asset pipeline with openjdk 17.0.3 with the following build.gradle
buildscript { dependencies { classpath("com.bertramlabs.plugins:asset-pipeline-gradle:4.0.0") //optional classpath 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:sass-dart-asset-pipeline:4.0.0' classpath 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:typescript-asset-pipeline:4.0.0' } } plugins { id 'java' id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.7.6' id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.15.RELEASE' id 'org.asciidoctor.convert' version '1.5.8' id "com.bertramlabs.asset-pipeline" version "3.4.4" } group = 'com.example' version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' sourceCompatibility = '17' apply plugin: 'asset-pipeline' apply plugin: 'groovy' configurations { compileOnly { extendsFrom annotationProcessor } } repositories { mavenCentral() } ext { set('snippetsDir', file("build/generated-snippets")) } assets { minifyJs = true minifyCss = true enableSourceMaps = true maxThreads = 4 //useful for concurrent asset processing during build configOptions = [:] //useful for custom config on extension libraries minifyOptions = [ optimizationLevel: 'SIMPLE', angularPass: true // Can use @ngInject annotation for Angular Apps ] includes = [] excludes = ['**/*.less'] //Example Exclude GLOB pattern //for plugin packaging packagePlugin=false //set to true if this is a library //developmentRuntime can be turned off developmentRuntime=true //if you want to customize the jar task this task runs on you can specify a jarTaskName jarTaskName=null // Can add custom asset locations (directories or individual jar files) from '/vendor/lib' from '/path/to/file.jar' } dependencies { implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jdbc' // implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web' implementation 'org.flywaydb:flyway-core' // implementation 'org.thymeleaf.extras:thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity5' compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok' developmentOnly 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools' runtimeOnly 'com.h2database:h2' annotationProcessor 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor' annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok' testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test' testImplementation 'org.springframework.restdocs:spring-restdocs-mockmvc' // testImplementation '' // Asset pipeline implementation 'org.slf4j:log4j-over-slf4j:2.0.3' implementation 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.7' implementation 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:asset-pipeline-spring-boot:4.0.0' implementation 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:sass-dart-asset-pipeline:4.0.0' implementation 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:typescript-asset-pipeline:4.0.0' compileOnly 'org.webjars.npm:dayjs:1.11.6' } tasks.named('test') { outputs.dir snippetsDir useJUnitPlatform() } tasks.named('asciidoctor') { inputs.dir snippetsDir dependsOn test }
when I try to start the application within intelij I need to set a lot of jvm --add-opens args
--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util.regex=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util.jar=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.logging/java.util.logging=ALL-UNNAMED
Is there a better way to get rid of all the error messages ala
Unable to make private java.util.Properties(java.util.Properties,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @703580bf
or to get a complete list of needed --add-opens?
I'm using asset pipeline with openjdk 17.0.3 with the following build.gradle
when I try to start the application within intelij I need to set a lot of jvm
argsIs there a better way to get rid of all the error messages ala
Unable to make private java.util.Properties(java.util.Properties,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @703580bf
or to get a complete list of needed