berty / berty

Berty is a secure peer-to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access, cellular data or trust in the network
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Unable to send messages from Go functions using insecure connection to Android #4403

Closed jalavosus closed 8 months ago

jalavosus commented 2 years ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Berty product

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No response

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start berty daemon with -node.service-insecure set to true: berty daemon -no-qr -node.service-insecure=true
  2. Start a bot with the option bertybot.WithInsecureMessengerGRPCAddr("") (can provide repo if needed)
  3. Use Berty Android app to add a contact using the resultant QR code/link created for that bot
  4. Observe logs (see "Current Behavior")

Current behavior

2022-09-04T00:29:46.531-0400    ERROR     bertyprotocol/contact_request_manager.go:177    unable to handle incoming contact request   {"error": "handshake failed: ErrHandshakeRequesterHello(#1104): ErrHandshakePeerEphemeralKeyRecv(#1101): ErrStreamRead(#105): EOF"}

2022-09-04T00:29:46.796-0400    ERROR   bty.odb-dc          directchannel/channel.go:61 invalid buffer length   {"error": "short buffer"}

2022-09-04T00:29:46.816-0400    ERROR   bty.odb             baseorbitdb/orbitdb.go:998  unable to unmarshal message payload {"error": "unable to unmarshal payload `7b2261646472657373223a222f6f7262697464622f626166797265696262627278347a636b67683270633264676d74336c72736d34753472647a696b643469726763707479767972726d32666a366d652f373635626634393965633837313166376336613536653938376136656664663636343165643237646630313534326164303362366539623938616264343733325f62657274795f67726f75705f6d65737361676573222c226865616473223a5b5d7d`: proto: illegal wireType 7"}

I assume this issue stems from my bot code using an insecure connection, while the Android app is using a secure connection. That being said, there is next to no documentation (at least, that I'm able to find) for using the Android app with a local daemon, nor for interacting with a local (development) bot in general.

What should I be doing here? I don't think this is a bug so much as my not using berty correctly for this, so I'm open to any and all suggestions/"you're doing it wrong and it's super easy how did you miss this"/whatevers.

I'll also note that I'm using the testbot code as the basis for creating a "bot" instance and connecting to my local daemon.

Expected behavior

No response


No response

jefft0 commented 9 months ago

Hello @jalavosus . Are you still working on your application? Is this still an issue for you?

jalavosus commented 9 months ago

@jefft0 Ah, wow, this is over a year old. Since I hadn't gotten a response, I stopped bothering to make an attempt at getting this to work.

jefft0 commented 9 months ago

Sorry for the delay. If you are not working on this project, shall we close this issue?

jefft0 commented 8 months ago

Closing as the poster's project is not being worked on.