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Berty DAO - draft high-level description of the Core Processes (v0.1) #75

Open PhilH opened 4 years ago

PhilH commented 4 years ago

NB: Here is the first high-level description of Berty DAO Core Processes for managing the release process. Since it's an initial take and there's not much community response yet, I made a single issue to cover the whole meta-process. In the future, we might split it in different issues, one for each set of operations.

1. Product Development

Collaborative development of Berty software is done with whichever tools and organizational processes the team deems appropriate.

Since the project is open source, anyone can access the code and submit a pull request. Members of the core team are in charge of merging pull requests or granting the permission to do so to others.


Some core team members, shown in a darker color in the figure, have the additional privilege of to act on behalf of the core team and interact as such with the broader community through the DAO. We call them Core Team Representatives (CTR) here.

2. Auditing Release Candidate

The release cycle requires at least one successful code audit to be successfully performed in order to be initiated.

CTR submits a version of the software to the DAO and calls for an audit.

Audit teams are invited to review the code and perform the audit. Their reports are shared either publicly or with the core team only, depending on ad hoc arrangements.

A limited number of selected ‘official’ auditors are entitled to submit their report as part of the release process.

NB: Since audit findings may block or slow down the release process, it is necessary to ensure that fake or spammy reports are discouraged or prevented. We suggest doing it by whilte-listing auditors. We may also consider a more permissionless approach if funds are available to reward the audit work. We could then require auditors to stake funds in order to have their report taken into account. A fake report would result in the slashing of the auditor’s funds, with a possible recourse through a decentralized court.


There are three possible statuses associated to an official audit report: “GO”, “GO with warnings”, “NO GO”. When an auditor provides a new version of their report for the same release candidate, the latest status overrides the previous one.

The release cycle cannot move forward as long as there is an active “NO GO” status assigned to the release candidate. In order to move on, either the auditor needs to overrides the status with a “GO” or a “GO with warnings”, or the audit team that issued a “NO GO” has to be deactivated.

The release cycle cannot move forward unless at least one report issued a “GO” or “GO with warnings” status.

Results of official audits are public. Auditors' public keys and audit statuses are associated with the cryptographic id of the release. Audit detailed reports are made permanently available on a decentralized storage infrastructure.

3. Voting Release

Once a release candidate has been positively audited, any CTR can submit its code and the associated audit reports to the Council for final review and approval.

We expect that most of the conversations related to an upcoming release happen off-chain and over the time, rather than in a voting period. The vote should be seen as a final ratification event whose purpose is to create transparency and trust within the community.


There are two colleges of voters in the Council: activists (“freedom fighters”) and technologists (“experts in cryptography, communication and privacy tech”). We suggest the following parameters for the vote:

The suggested turnout requirement is demanding. Indeed, we believe that the credibility of the political decentralization process relies on a significant involvement of the Council members. If we fail to hit the threshold, we recommend making changes to the Council membership rather than lowering the bar or opting for a “pass by default” policy.

The vote is not secret. Voters’ public keys and ballot values are associated with the cryptographic id of the release.

4. Build & Deploy

Once a release candidate is approved (i.e. submitted by a CTR, positively reviewed by an official auditor, not negatively reviewed by an official auditor, and approved by the Council), any CTR can trigger the final step leading to the availability of the release.

build   deploy

Building and delivering the release should be done in a way that is as automated and as secure as possible.

The history of events that led to the release should be embedded in the final delivery, both in clear in the source code, and as a cryptographic audit trail. Builds should be produced using decentralized computing systems, such as iExec or DFINITY. Both the source code and app binaries should be made available on a public, censorship-resistant, decentralized infrastructure.

Since publishing mobile apps on centralized app stores requires to trust the person in charge of submitting the app through the store administration console, we suggest to entrust the operation to CTRs only, and have them adding their public key in the audit log so that the release can be linked to the submitter identity and can be publicly verified.

5. Granting and revoking DAO memberships

managing members

Council Members (CCM)

Core Team Representatives (CTR)

Official Auditors