bespokejs / bespoke

DIY Presentation Micro-Framework
MIT License
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Demo Page not working on iPad #2

Closed rajasaur closed 11 years ago

rajasaur commented 11 years ago

I was trying to see how it looks on the iPad but the demo page (on doesnt seem to load on iPad (safari and chrome). The "Example Theme" selector seems blank, so its probably not a core issue with bespoke.js but maybe with other libraries included in that page.

I also tested the "Yeoman" presentation and that worked fine on iPad, so the framework as such is working. The one issue I saw on the Yeoman page (on an iPad) is that when you are in landscape mode, the page loads twice -- it loads up fully, refreshes and then it loads it as tiles. On the portrait mode, everything was fine with the Yeoman presentation

Browser Versions: Chrome: 25.0.1364.124 Safari: 5.1 Mobile

fiveminuteargument commented 11 years ago

Looks like this is caused by the lack of support for bind() in whatever version of ES the iPad is running. Including the es5-shim script in the demo resolves this.

markdalgleish commented 11 years ago

I developed the site while testing on my iPad running iOS 6 without any trouble, so it seems like the old version of Safari was missing Array#bind. This is true of the version of WebKit inside PhantomJS too, which is why the unit tests require es5-shim.

When I get a chance, I might add some code to include es5-shim if your browser is missing Array#bind. I'm going to close the issue for now because the issue is with the site, not the framework itself. Feel free to raise an issue in the site's repo: