bespoken / virtual-alexa

:robot: Easily test and debug Alexa skills programmatically
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Testing AMAZON.FallbackIntent #109

Closed markacianfrani closed 5 years ago

markacianfrani commented 5 years ago

Is there any way to test a FallbackIntent? Right now if I utter gibberish, I'll get an error "Unable to match utterance:"

I'd like to be able to alexa.utter('gibberish') and then assert the response includes my custom FallbackIntent. I can kind of get around this by calling alexa.intent('AMAZON.FallbackIntent') instead.

jperata commented 5 years ago

Hi @markacianfrani , calling alexa.intent is the way to do that testing, we are a very good emulator of Alexa, but that is one of our limits compared to what a real AI do to process the voice into Intents, that's one of the reasons the intent method exists, so that you can always test any intent you want either way.