best-flutter / flutter_amap_location

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ios crash due some fileds of regeocode is nil #39

Open danieldai opened 4 years ago

danieldai commented 4 years ago

_formattedAddress NSCFString @"山西省晋城市沁水县靠近前土门上"
_country __NSCFString
NSCFString @"山西省"
_city __NSCFString
_district NSCFString @"沁水县"
_township id 0x0 _neighborhood id 0x0 _building id 0x0 _citycode NSTaggedPointerString
@"0356" _adcode NSTaggedPointerString * @"140521"
_street id 0x0 _number id 0x0 _POIName
NSCFString * @"前土门上" _AOIName id 0x0

danieldai commented 4 years ago can be fixed by this PR