Merge request template: please remove the appropriate parts of this template.
Pre-merge request checklist (to be completed by the one making the request):
[x] I have performed a full review of this code myself.
For Python code in PySpark specific sections, all code should have been run in Jupyter notebooks.
For code in sections of the book containing both Python and R code, the page of the book should be constructed as described in the contributing guide and converted to a markdown file.
[x] I have formatted the outputs of code blocks correctly (to match other outputs in the book and in line with the style guide [coming soon])
[x] I have built the book as outlined in the contributing guide and confirmed that any additional/modified content is displaying as expected.
Details of this request:
updated the existing sampling page to contain more examples
Updated the function to import functions from the correct modules
Things to note about this request (such as):
Johanna has done a full review of the content in the sampling.ipynb notebook
The links have updated at the bottom of the notebook page (needs reviewing again)
Merge request template: please remove the appropriate parts of this template.
Pre-merge request checklist (to be completed by the one making the request):
Details of this request:
Things to note about this request (such as):