Version 1.4 is ok, otherwise it will not be visible as an update in hassio
Variable with space are not supported with your modification. It should be eval $(jq --raw-output '.env_var | .[] | "export " + .name + "=\"" + .value +"\""' /data/options.json)
Do you know why my version was not working ? A test with echo instead of export works fine, but the export is not working...
I will merge if you do the requested modifications, or when I will be able to push a new version just after the merge to address them (probably tomorow).
Thanks for the PR !
eval $(jq --raw-output '.env_var | .[] | "export " + .name + "=\"" + .value +"\""' /data/options.json)
I will merge if you do the requested modifications, or when I will be able to push a new version just after the merge to address them (probably tomorow).