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!! GRafana is not updating information - none #68

Closed gnkarn closed 6 years ago

gnkarn commented 6 years ago


hassio ver 0.68 influxdb + grafana

the symptom is that after hassio 0.68 update , it stopped to work , it shows connection to the data base , grafana shows all as being normall , but no data update at all , even with external database , as it is the financial plugin db on grafana .

Not sure about the cause, as non of the logs helped me to get a clue .

tried , reinstalling both add ons, of course rebooting , and all the obvious , but no luck .

gnkarn commented 6 years ago

to close this is issue , i reinstalled grafana, influxdb , deleted the database with the historical data , installed all again , recreated the data base , rebooted , and problem solved for now .