bestlong / node-red-contrib-mssql-plus

A Node-RED node to read and write to Microsoft MS SQL Databases
MIT License
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Expected minimum version of Node (>=18) should be reflected in package.json (>=12). #93

Open akobelan opened 6 months ago

akobelan commented 6 months ago

The package.json file expects to see a version of node >=12. A previous bug report I filed stated that the version of Node I was using (version 16) was deprecated and that I should update to 18 (or 20). I was having issues installing the mssql node.

The question is ... should package.json not reflect n >= 18 as a dependancy?

tjshippy commented 5 months ago

I've found a similar issue, but I am using nodejs 14.18.0. It would be ideal if you could support the older versions listed in the package.json as I am using an embedded controller and can't upgrade my firmware to get to nodejs18+

Here is the message in the log file. : 2024-01-17T16:00:19.248Z npm.cmd install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --production --engine-strict node-red-contrib-mssql-plus@0.12.1 2024-01-17T16:00:21.881Z [err] npm ERR! code ENOTSUP 2024-01-17T16:00:21.885Z [err] npm ERR! 2024-01-17T16:00:21.885Z [err] notsup Unsupported engine for commander@11.1.0: wanted: {"node":">=16"} (current: {"node":"14.18.0","npm":"6.14.15"}) 2024-01-17T16:00:21.885Z [err] npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: commander@11.1.0 2024-01-17T16:00:21.885Z [err] npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: commander@11.1.0 2024-01-17T16:00:21.885Z [err] npm ERR! 2024-01-17T16:00:21.885Z [err] notsup Required: {"node":">=16"} 2024-01-17T16:00:21.885Z [err] npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"6.14.15","node":"14.18.0"}

haikal-handamara-x150s commented 4 months ago

This was too deep. I found out this would happen due to semver being too loose. Perhaps locking each dependency at patch version (using ~) are safer than locking at minor version (using ^). Or perhaps just lock the deps at exact version.

bestlong commented 4 months ago

It's all about dependencies. So simply follow the settings of node-red.